Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture have been used to manage and support many illnesses, boost-up the immune system, strengthen the organ functions and to nourish the body and mind. There are many research studies that show they help support cancer treatment, neuropathy, chronic pain, insomnia and other health conditions. Individual treatment plans will be made according to health cond... Read More

Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture have been used to manage and support many illnesses, boost-up the immune system, strengthen the organ functions and to nourish the body and mind. There are many research studies that show they help support cancer treatment, neuropathy, chronic pain, insomnia and other health conditions. Individual treatment plans will be made according to health conditions and treatment goals.

Vilawan Thatayatikom is a Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCMP). She was introduced to TCM at a young age and employed TCM techniques to optimize patient outcomes in her 18-year family medicine and dermatology practice in Thailand, where she is licensed as a medical doctor and pharmacist. Vilawan has extensive experience diagnosing and treating various types of health conditions, is patient focused and empathetic, developing individualized treatment programs to suit the needs of each patient. Her areas of clinical focus include: cancer support, women’s health & infertility, pain management & sports injuries, neuromuscular diseases, insomnia & depression, autoimmune disorders & metabolic syndrome, skin & allergy diseases.

Vilawan Thatayatikom is a Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practi... Read More

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